Who Am I?


So what’s happening here at this website? Well, I love thinking about, planning, and going on adventures. And then I like thinking about them more once I’m home. So I’m getting those thoughts out of my head and onto this site. Maybe my experiences will help you in planning your next adventure.

Like everyone out there, I am many things: a mom, wife, dancer/choreographer, psychiatrist, and so on. I also happen to be a travel planner with Global On Demand Travel. I value independence, adventure, nature and wildlife, authenticity, and personal growth. I’m a carpe-diem type but I draw the line at bungee jumping and sky-diving! I am happy to spend over 24 hours in planes, trains and boats to get somewhere remote. And I love travel. It gives perspective, challenges me, clarifies ambiguity, keeps me in the moment, and it’s the quickest way I know to learn about myself. Put simply, travel makes me feel more alive.